pp108 : Searching Web Services in Web Service Interface Explorer

Searching Web Services in Web Service Interface Explorer

This topic describes the procedure to search for Web service interfaces or operations using the .

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to search for Web services.

The Web Service Interface Explorer enables you to manage the Web service interfaces and operations in a single interface. To perform any activity such as testing the operations, setting access controls, and publishing to UDDI registry, you must search for a Web service interface or operation using the various search parameters provided in this interface.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (Web service Interface Explorer).
    Note: Alternatively, click on the toolbar of the System Resource Manager window. The Web Service Interface Explorer window appears with few default search query options.
  2. Type the relevant term in the Keyword field.


    • Select StartsWith and type the prefix in the Keyword to find the content that starts with it.
    • Select EndsWith and type the suffix in the Keyword to find the content that ends with it.

  3. Set the appropriate Search Criteria as mentioned in the table below and click Find.

    Search Criteria

    Search Result

    Web Service Operations

    Web service operations with the keyword are displayed.

    Web Service Interfaces

    Web service interfaces with the keyword are displayed.

    Service Group

    The Web service interfaces or operations within that Service Group are displayed.


    The Web service interfaces or operations associated with the namespace are displayed. Ensure to specify the exact namespace as the keyword.
    Note: The StartsWith and EndsWith options are not applicable for this criterion.


    The Web service interfaces or operations within in the applications are displayed.

    All the relevant Web service interfaces or operations are displayed in the Search Results group box.